17 Common Weeds That Look Like Grass

Common Weeds That Look Like Grass Image

Need some help identifying grass weeds? If you’ve landed here, you do. And guess what? You are not alone. 

Is this annual in my zoysia? What grassy weed is this? Does anybody know this weed in my St. Augustine & should I spray it? Pretty sure I found crabgrass in my lawn. I need some confirmation. 

Lawn owners have countless questions about weeds that look like grass and we’ll try to clear the air here.

Of course, weeds that look like grass can feel and appear like real turf and are more often mistaken for one another. Their perfect blend will give you an eyesore just trying to distinguish them, especially when you don’t know what to look for.  

That’s why this post is important. First, it’s a rundown of 21 grassy weeds and their characteristics. Then, you’ll learn how to identify these lawn intruders and discover how to get rid of them more effectively. 

Weeds? Yes.

What are weeds?

Weeds are unwanted plants that suck up resources meant for your desired crops. 

They come in various categories, including annuals, perennials, biennials and the place where they thrive. 

For example, obligate weeds flourish in disturbed or cultivated lands, while facultative weeds excel in wild locations and spread to cultivated lands via wild critters.

15 Common Weeds That Look Like Grass

Has your grass been invaded? Hold your peace and let’s get straight to the gist of this post—weeds that look like grass and learn about their distinguishing features, growth habits, and how to eliminate them. 

1. Annual Bluegrass (Poa Annual)

What does Annual Bluegrass look like? 

Annual Bluegrass, often dubbed Poa borrowed from its botanical name Poa annua, is an invasive weed that resembles Poa grasses like Kentucky Bluegrass. The weed is popular in cool, moist environments, no wonder it’s become a menace across North America. In residential lawns, the weed loves shady and damp areas. 

Annual Bluegrass is distinguished by its thick growth and bright green color. You can also know it by its canoe-shaped leaf tips and long ligule (membrane) which joins the stem to the base of the leaf. 

Like other Poa grasses, the Annual Bluegrass thrives in areas with lots of water.

More often than not, the weed dies during the summer months when temperatures are at their highest. This is both good and bad. Good because the weeds die off, and bad since they leave ugly bare spots in your lawn

How to control annual Bluegrass

It’s quite easy to control this weed. The most effective course of action to eradicate the annual bluegrass is denying it conditions in which it thrives such as a moist, shaded environment. Instead, allow the lawn to dry up completely to kill the weeds. 

After dying off, dig the weeds out and grow your preferred grass. Spot application of a herbicide to this annual plant can help get rid of it. Applying pre-emergent herbicides will prevent their return. 

2.Blanket Crabgrass (Digitaria Sanguinalis And Digitaria Ischaemum)

What does Blanket Crabgrass look like? 

This weed spreads like a charm and can overtake your lawn without notice. Also dubbed finger grass, summer grass, or crowfoot grass, crabgrass belongs to the Digitaria family.

This grass invader enjoys sparse lawns that are unfertilized, slightly watered, and poorly drained. Crab grasses are prolific growers tolerant to extreme heat and drought. Unfortunately, with that, controlling them is tough and takes time. 

Being annual weeds, they grow in patches and die off each year during winter.Each plant produces up to 150,000 seeds annually which germinate the next spring. 

The two most prevalent Crabgrass species in the United States are the large crabgrass (Digitaria sanguinalis) and smooth crabgrass (Digitaria ischaemum).  

Large crabgrass is common in the northern US, while smooth crabgrass is popular in the southern half. 

Crabgrass closely resembles ordinary grass but you can easily spot them by their:

  • Clumpy growth
  • Thicker, less appealing look
  • Height of up to 20 inches long

Smooth crabgrass

· Common in lawns owing to its low-mowing tolerance, unlike large crabgrasses

· Grows slowly and features dark, smooth green leaves of about 5 inches long.

· When unmowed, it grows to heights above 6 inches tall. 

. The first frost of the winter season kills off the weed 

Large Crabgrass 

Crabgrasses leave behind unsightly brown patches when dead. You can easily control the weed by reseeding, watering and fertilizing the lawn. This way, crabgrass won’t compete for resources or show up the next spring. 

How to Control Blanket Crabgrass

Use an effective herbicide to combat severe infestations of crabgrass. This weed spreads faster after taking root, so once discovered, act fast. You can also control it conventionally by pulling it out by hand or cut it out to prevent its seeding. 

3.Yellow Nutsedge(Cyperus esculentus)

What does Yellow Nutsedge look like? 

It’s one of the perennial grassy weeds that’s quite easy to notice thanks to the fact that it grows more aggressively than real grass. So the next time you spot longer batches in your lawn, odds are it’s this weed.

Yellow nutsedge can attack your lawn from above or below the soil. They grow above the soil from the airborne seeds and below the soil surface through tubers or rhizomes. 

Being a perennial weed, it reappears every growing season. During its early stages of growth, the yellow nutsedge produces light green grass blades. Over time, these blades evolve into a darker green color which makes it harder to differentiate it from your grass. 

The yellow nutsedge has a unique root system that produces nut-like tubers. 

How to Control Yellow Nutsedge

The best action plan to control yellow nutsedge is ensuring your lawn stays green and healthy. Proper lawn maintenance practices will keep this weed away from your yard. 

Small amounts of the weed can be pulled out by hand. In this case, no weed should be left behind because the smallest fiber can cause it to regenerate and show up again in no time. 

Alternatively, you can use a strong dose of post-emergent herbicides to get rid of the weed immediately after it shoots up in your yard. Mulch will also help prevent weeds from growing in your garden areas. 

4. Quackgrass (Agropyron repens)

What does Quackgrass look like? 

Quackgrass is a common weed in most parts of the United States except in the southeast states like Florida. (See the best grass for South Florida.)

The fact that this weed is perennial makes it harder to eliminate compared to other grass-like weeds. You’ll need a highly effective weed killer to get rid of it. 

Also known as couch grass or common crouch, this all-season weed never dies. Whether summer, winter, or spring, the weed stays on. 

Quackgrass is most easily identified by its auricles—the finger-shaped leaves that grow from the stem outwards. The grass-like weed is coarse-textured and feels uncomfortable when you run your toes or fingers through it. 

The grassy weed has a light green color with pale blue-green patches on it. It spreads rapidly via rhizomes or airborne seeds, hence can travel long distances and settle in lawns. 

How to Control Quackgrass

Since quackgrass is an invasive and hardy grass weed species that spreads faster through rhizomes from its fibrous and intricate root system, pulling it out is no option. The safest way to remove the small patches of weeds is to dig them up from the roots and place them in a pot with boiling water. 

You can also solarize them in a black polythene bag or plastic like a black-colored bucket for about four weeks during extreme summer temperatures. If this approach fails, do spot treatment with a suitable non-selective herbicide to prevent damage to other parts of the lawn. 

Remember, non-selective herbicides also kill any plant they touch, so careful application is critical. 

Like most other lawn weeds, you can combat quackgrass by crowding it out with thick turf grasses. Proper care of your lawn is another approach to help keep this weed at bay.

5. Tall Fescue (Festuca Arundinacea)

What does Tall Fescue look like? 

Tall Fescue is a tough and invasive perennial weed characterized by thick clumps. This aggressive grass-like weed spreads through rhizomes underneath the ground. Its succulent stem-like leaves can quickly take over and crowd out your grass, killing it off in no time. Surprisingly, the weed is resistant to drought and other extreme conditions that could destroy your lawn. As such, it’s harder to control.  

How to Control Tall Fescue

Solarizing is the most effective remedy for removing tall fescue weeds from your lawn. Unfortunately, this will involve using impermeable materials like black nylon papers for a certain period to deprive the weed of air and sunshine while making the heat underneath the covering unbearable. Eventually, it dies off. 

Can uprooting the tall grass weeds be an option? No. Why? You’re likely to leave small fibers of rhizomes on or underneath the soil that would sprout again. You sure don’t want that on your lawn. 

Having to use large quantities of herbicides might only hurt your wallet and the environment, so we recommend solarizing as the safest way to get rid of the weed. 

6. Creeping Bentgrass (Agrostis Stolonifera)

What does Creeping Bentgrass look like? 

Creeping bentgrass is a perennial cool-season weed that looks like grass. The grass species grows densely with fine-textured mats. It spreads aggressively via stolons and forms appealing light green patches that protrude as light spots in most turfgrasses.  

Creeping bentgrasses are common in the northern United States, where they’re grown intentionally to add lush fairways on manicured golf courses–not lawns. 

Since it flourishes in cool or wet seasons, creeping bentgrass is allergic to extreme heat and quickly turns brown when exposed to even slightly high temperatures. 

You can also identify this grass species by its finer, thinner blades, uncommon in other grasses. Creeping bentgrass starts looking puffy or swollen after it grows above 1 inch. The weed tolerates slight mowing, making it ideal for golf courses.  

How to Control Creeping Bentgrass

Since the grass-like weed propagates via stolons underneath the soil surface, the most effective option would be to use selective herbicides that contain glyphosate such as Torocity mesotrione. It’s important to note that this option only works when the weeds are in their early life cycle.

Due to their propagation nature, they are often widespread and hence more difficult to eradicate. Hence, spot-treating this weed can be challenging. 

Naturally, creeping bentgrass is difficult to control effectively, particularly when it’s already established. That means you’ll have to start over by getting rid of the entire lawn before reseeding or choosing to promote the growth of the grass-like weed on your lawn. 

If you choose to promote the weed in your yard, you’ll have to change your focus from soil nutrition and fertility to pest control since pests are the weed’s biggest affliction. 

7. Goosegrass (Eleusine Indica)

What does Goosegrass look like? 

Also known as Wiregrass or Silver Crabgrass, Goosegrass has a lighter green appearance and grows in low-stem clumps that look flatter. You’ll know it’s this weed by its white core and wagon wheel-like growth pattern. 

The tough grassy weed tolerates harsh conditions, including parts of the lawn with compact soil and direct sunlight. The ideal preventative action would be to drain and aerate your lawn properly since it can withstand frequent mowing and still churn out seeds.  

Often confused with crabgrass, Goosegrass spreads as wide as 2.5 feet. The invasive annual grass weed thrives in warmer climates and germinates when the soil temperature reaches 60 degrees Fahrenheit. The weed got its name from the shape of its unique strands that spread out to form the goose’s foot-like shape.  

How to Control Goosegrass

The best way to get rid of this weed is by applying pre-emergents in late winter or early spring. However, as a summer weed, the plant can show up long after pre-emergents have already penetrated the soil. 

If your yard only has a few weeds, then the best way to remove them would be to pull them out by hand instead of controlling them using chemicals. Some of the chemicals that eradicate the weed include dimethenamid and oxadiazon. 

While herbicides are an option for controlling this weed, some of its strains have become resistant to herbicides.   

8. Cylindric Sedge (Cyperus retrorsus)

What does Cylindric Sedge look like? 

Cylindrical sedge is a perennial grassy weed that sprouts in large, hardy tufts that endure different kinds of weather. Hence, it can prove not easy to eradicate. Common in the southeast parts of the United States, the weed thrives in sandy locations.

How to Control Cylindric Sedge

Since it’s a tough grass weed, cylindric sedge is resistant to most weed control solutions. Unfortunately, the typical cultural control methods like proper mowing and watering or manual pulling of the weeds can’t remove Cylindric Sedge from your lawn or landscape. 

For effective removal of the grass weed, involving a professional to help you select and apply weed control treatments should be your best bet for cylindric Sedge eradication.  

9. Carpetgrass (Axonopus sp.)

What does Carpetgrass look like? 

This one assembles and thrives in shady and boggy areas that are acidic with high moisture levels. As the name suggests, Carpetgrass grows to about 12 inches long, forming beautifully thick, normal green-colored, and coarse-textured mats. 

During the warmer summer months, this warm-season perennial weed produces seed heads resembling crabgrass. Their seed heads are taller compared to those of other plants. One surprising aspect of this weed is that it turns brown even with a slight drop in its ideal range of temperature. 

How to Control Carpetgrass

The best thing about carpet grass weed is that it can be controlled using natural solutions. First, raise the soil’s pH level. Next, add salt or lime mixed in a gallon of water. And that’s it! Any of the two should do the trick for you. Alternatively, you can spray a pre-emergent herbicide like oryzalin before springtime. Of course, you can always pull the weeds out if they are still early in the growth cycle. But keep in mind that they are perennial weeds and so be sure to remove any piece of it from the soil. 

10. Smooth Bromegrass (Bromus ramosus Ramosus)

What does Smooth Bromegrass look like? 

Smooth Bromegrass is another tough perennial weed that’s very adaptable. Once it’s well-rooted, it can withstand winter conditions and other harsh weather for a longer period.

Like nutsedge or couchgrass, Bromegrass has an intricate root system that produces rhizomes underground which help the weed to propagate quickly across your lawn—and if your yard is thin, it easily takes it over. These features make the weed a highly invasive species that can easily get out of control once it grows in your lawn. 

Smooth Bromegrass grows to over 7 feet tall. Its leaves or blades grow to lengths of between 8 inches and 2 feet long; and hang loosely. Moreover, the blades have fine hairs that cover them on both the lower and upper parts. 

The weed features a color that ranges between light to normal green shade. The blades on the upper side are sometimes lighter in color owing to their length, especially when growing in poor conditions.

Beyond being a nuisance in lawns, it is hay, and some homeowners plant it in grazing fields for their livestock. The hardy weed that looks like grass can also be used to prevent soil erosion, given its robust root system. Moreover, smooth Bromegrass is remarkable at ensuring ground cover thanks to its vigorous growth and firm root system.

How to control smooth Bromegrass

Given its growth characteristics, the more effective way to combat smooth Bromegrass involves crowding it out with a dense lawn canopy. For the best results, use this method only after mowing your lawn down low. Keeping the weed short allows your preferred turf to suffocate out.

In a worst-case scenario where the weeds are widespread and established, you’ll have to go for strong post-emergent herbicides and pre-emergent herbicides. First, apply a suitable herbicide with glyphosate directly to the grass-like weed to quell its invasion. 

11. Yellow Salsify (Tragopogon Dubius)

What does Yellow Salsify look like? 

Yellow Salsify is one of the invasive grassy weeds common in Northern America. The weed flourishes in a warm climate and blooms yellow flowers in summer, before producing huge seed puffballs in the fall. 

What’s so interesting about this weed is that people in various parts of central and southern Europe and in central and northern parts of Asia cook it to make a traditional delicacy. 

According to archives, the roots taste like oysters. 

The grass-like weed grows rapidly, spreading to lawns. Once their large fluffy seed balls fall off, they propagate and take roots across your lawn, sprouting the next spring. You’ll also recognize yellow Salsify by its thin stems and straight leaves.    

How to Control Yellow Salsify

The best control for yellow Salsify would be to pull them or dig them up by the root if they are in the initial stages of their growth. Also, be sure to mulch areas of your lawn that are prone to grass-like weeds regularly.

12. Green Foxtails (Setaria Viridis)

What do Green Foxtails look like? 

Green Foxtail got its cute name from the grass-like stalks on its mature heads, which bloom and resemble tiny furry foxtails pointing upwards. This weed is highly adaptable and can grow anywhere, mostly in prairies and meadows. 

Each foxtail plume carries hundreds of seeds that spread far and wide, driven by wind. The hardy annual weed has a height of 10 cm to 100cm. Aside from its fuzzy features, green Foxtail is a very invasive grass-like weed that has proved problematic and caused havoc for farmers and lawn owners. Despite being tough lawn weeds at maturity, they blossom in moist soil and can be easily taken over by thick lawns. 

Green Foxtail does extremely well in warmer soil with temperatures between 59-95 degrees Fahrenheit (15 to 35 degrees Celsius). However, the weed can germinate in any season, provided the growth conditions are good. Green Foxtail also prefers warmer soil, but can still germinate at any point in the season as long as conditions are favorable.

How to Control Green Foxtails

Like most weeds in lawns, green Foxtail can be eradicated by strong herbicides. These should be applied directly to the weed to prevent damage to other lawn parts. But considering how invasive this weed can be, prevention by crowding it out with dense, healthy lawns can be the best way to control it.

13. Johnsongrasses (Sorghum halepense)

What does Johnsongrass look like? 

Johnsongrass is a fast-growing, invasive weed that boasts growth of up to 7 feet in height with leaves that of about 2 inches wide. This weed’s seeds spread rapidly by wind and rhizomes underneath the soil. If left alone, Johnsongrass quickly crowds thin lawns, and gets too difficult to get rid of especially once its root system is established.

At first glance, Johnson grass can be easily mistaken for corn seedlings, particularly in its early stages of growth. The long leaves are distinguished by their bright green tint and a great white vein that runs along the middle. The leaves of this lofty weed bloom with purple flowers in spring through to the start of winter, when they eventually off.     

How to Control Johnsongrass

This perennial weed that looks like grass can be controlled in several ways:

  • Dig it up or pull out weeds manually and douse them in vinegar or pour them in spaces where the roots grew previously to prevent future growth.
  • Apply sulfosulfuron, a strong herbicide designed to eliminate Johnsongrasses effectively without harming turf grasses.
  • For larger patches, till the soil during winter to expose the rhizomes to extremely cold temperatures that eventually kill them, preventing further spread. 

14. Yellow Foxtail (Setaria Pumila)

What does Foxtail look like? 

This one tolerates various soil conditions and produce spiky bottle-brush flowers in late summer. 

As an annual, warm-season grass, Yellow Foxtail is the smallest weed grass of the foxtail species, and it produces yellowish-orange flower spikes that earn it its name. Its long, spiky bottle-brush flowers form big clumps measuring up to 40 inches wide.

How to Control Yellow Foxtail

Spot treatment with vinegar works for smaller clumps. Non-selective herbicides or pre-emergent herbicides that contain acetochlor can be used to eradicate the menace. Alternatively, you can till or spray continuously throughout the summer. 

15.Wild Onion and Garlic (Allium canadense and Allium ursinum)

What do Wild Onion and Garlic look like? 

As a fast-spreading weed, the Wild Onion and Garlic grassy weed grows tall and strong, with an onion/garlic-like fragrance in spring that makes it easy to identify. 

The weed smells and looks like onion and garlic plants in appearance, no wonder its name. It forms clumps and matures to heights above your turf grass. Amazingly, because the weeds come out of bulbs and smell like onion and garlic, people from some parts of the world often add to their dishes in the absence of real onions and garlic.

These grass intruders can quickly take over your fertile lawn if left alone. The plants sprout faster in springtime and produce seed heads in the fall; but it remains dormant in summer. In early spring, the vibrant green leaves appear like fast-growing turf grass. 

How to Control Wild Onion and Garlic

Wild garlic and onions are edible. However, to control them effectively, pull them out by hand or dig them up by their bulbs and add them to your vegetables if you treat your lawn organically. 

Another option is to use an appropriate herbicide to eradicate the wild garlic.   

16. Path/Slender rush (Juncus Tenuis)

What does Path/Slender rush look like? 

As you can guess from its name, slender rush has slender stems with long, narrow, and upright leaves. Unfortunately, the grass-like weed grows aggressively from rhizomes, making it quite difficult to control or eradicate permanently. 

This weed is familiar in most abandoned spaces and can grow up to 24 inches tall. Its other names include path rush, field rush, poverty rush, and slender yard rush. 

Notably, slender rush is a perennial weed though it tends to grow back. The fact that slender rush spreads through rhizomes makes it tricky to control once it’s established. During its early stages, the grass-like weed can be distinguished by its unique clusters, leaves that grow from the base, stems that are slightly covered by sheaths, and cymes of branches that hold seeds on its head. 

You’ll find path rush in North America, particularly in meadows, woodlands, and other wild spaces. The clumps on the weed make it outstanding in any yard. If you like the weed, you can plant along pathways.   

How to Control Path/Slender rush

Though path rush is resistant to most herbicides, the 2, 4-D herbicide has proved effective. However, the best way to rid the lawn weed in small patches is to manually dig up the whole clump and root system to prevent regeneration from pieces of rhizomes left behind.

Aside from this, keep them short by frequent mowing to destroy seed heads and prevent seed maturing and propagation. Eventually, your healthy lawn will choke the weed out.

17. Dandelion (Taraxacum)

What does Dandelion look like? 

Dandelion is a broadleaf perennial grass weed that stands tall at 12 inches. The plant is common in lawns and features long taproots and clumps resembling crabgrass. 

In their early stages, dandelions can go undetected. However, as the weed matures, it produces yellow puffs flown by even the gentlest breeze. This form of propagation makes lawn weed highly invasive. 

During summer, the weed starts to mature, producing yellow flowers that make the weed more recognizable. At the end of this season, its flowers mature into fuzzy seed balls that can quickly spread across a small lawn.  

How to Control Dandelion

You can control a dandelion infestation manually by pulling them out as they emerge. 

Consider spot treatment with a safe broadleaf herbicide if the weeds are too numerous to pull up. This way, only the Dandelion will be killed without harming the rest of the grass.

18. Alexander Grass (Brachiaria plantaginea)

What does Alexander Grass look like?

Alexander grass is one of the weeds that look like grass. It is an annual, warm-season weed that’s similar in appearance to St. Augustine grass. The creepy weed grows aggressively and can quickly choke out your turf if you fail to act immediately. 

Also known as a low signal or creeping signal grass, the weed matures into a thin turf with robust roots. 

Alexander grass can be identified by its smooth stem and nodes with roots. The weed creeps low and can grow to heights above 18 inches. The lawn weed has smooth leaf heads with a dark green color. During the wintry season, the weed browns and eventually dies off. 

How to Control Alexander Grass

At the time of writing this post, there’s no known herbicide for killing alexandergrass. 

Hence, the most effective way to get rid of the weed would be to use a baking soda solution to burn it off before digging it out and reseeding the affected part of the lawn.

19. Broom Sedge (Andropogon virginicus)

What does Broom Sedge look like? 

Broom sedge is one of the most stubborn weeds that look like grass. However, the sun-loving turf weed is known for robust growth in huge bunches. It’s an interesting perennial weed grass that thrives in lawns with low pH (acidity), low soil fertility, and abundant sunshine. That’s why it’s more noticeable in summer by its dull green color, which changes to a coppery orange tint during fall.

As the name suggests, the weed’s seeds form heads that mimic broom bristles. 

You’ll find them easily in abandoned lots and railroad tracks.  

How to Control Broom Sedge

Sadly, this hardy grass weed is resistant to most pre-emergent herbicides, so the most effective control mechanism would be proper lawn fertilization. You can also add lime to the soil for a given time to alter the soil pH so broom sedge doesn’t survive. Another control option is the manual removal of the weed to help reduce the chances of regrowth the next season. 

20. Blue Fescue (Festuca glauca)

What does Blue Fescue look like? 

Blue Fescue is distinguished by its conspicuous blue-green leaves. The lawn weed is commonly used to cover grass or ornamental turf. With its impressive height of up to 12 inches, the plant boasts spiky leaves that form bright green blooms during spring.  

Blue Fescue flourishes in cool seasons and grows in stacks meaning if not controlled, it can ruthlessly overtake the better part of your lawn in spring.  

Blue Fescue is often mistaken for other fescue species like the tall Fescue. An easy way to differentiate is that blue Fescue has:

  • Green-blue leaves, a sharp contrast with the traditional grass
  • Spiky leaves 
  • Bright green brooms
  • Mounding growth patterns  

How to Control Blue Fescue

You have several options: either pull them out from the root manually or apply a herbicide containing glyphosate. 

21. Blue-eyed Grass weeds (Sisyrinchium rosulatum)

What does Blue-eyed grass weed look like? 

It’s an annoying, cold-season weed that produces flowers in amazing colors. You’ll find blue-eyed grass weed in lawns and pastures, mostly in the southeast USA. 

How to Control Blue-eyed grass

This annual grassy weed is by far the toughest to control on this list. You’ll have to engage an expert in weed control management to help rid your lawn of this hardy weed grass. The weed notoriously resists other weed grasses control mechanisms. 

Ways to Get Rid of the Weeds Complete 

As we have mentioned, many weeds look like grass. But, unfortunately, once these intruders are on your lawn, it becomes hard to spot them in their early stages, and by the time you spot them, they’re well established.

Having gone through our list of lawn weeds and learned how they look and how to control them, you sure have a better idea of how to eradicate them. Whether annual or perennial weeds, there are specific methods to eradicate them completely, and prevention is top on the list. 

Remember, a well-watered, properly fertilized thick lawn will prevent many of these unwanted plants from sprouting. 

All in all, the most effective methods to completely get rid of them from your lawn are:

  • Spot treatment with herbicides specific to the weed
  • Pre-emergent mechanism severally in a year to control the growth of weeds
  • Crowding out invasive weeds with your preferred grass species by overseeding to create a thick lawn canopy that will leave your lawn looking lush and striking, preventing weeds from getting established in your lawn.

Here’s a Video On Killing Weeds that Look Like Grass:

Do Weeds Have Advantages?

We often perceive weeds as useless and a nuisance because they grow where we do not want them. However, they have so many advantages that we overlook.

It is important to know these advantages to figure out when weeds are a nuisance and when they can work for you.

Here are the advantages:

  • Weeds add nutrients and organic matter to the soil

When you bury their leaves in the ground, they decompose and enrich the soil, allowing your grass or whatever you plant in that soil to flourish.

  • Weeds help prevent wind, water, and soil erosion

Their roots hold the soil particles together to prevent the mentioned elements from washing away. This advantage is beneficial, especially on lands on a slope.

  • Some weeds like redroot pigweed, Kochia, and lambs quarters are excellent fodder for livestock.

They contain good protein and amino acids that keep livestock healthy without supplements.

  • Some weeds are excellent leafy vegetables

Plants like chickweed and amaranth tend to grow in unwanted places. However, you can transplant them or allow them to mature to get their leaves.

  • Weeds can also help you find out what nutrients your soil lacks

For instance, crabgrass grows in soil with depleted nutrients and is especially low in calcium. When you notice them, you can take the necessary measures to restore the soil.

Hardest Weeds to Kill

Perennial weeds are the hardest to eliminate because they have a root system that can survive the dry season.

Their roots stay alive for two or more seasons before the dry season hits again. If you do not control perennials in their early stages of germination, they can completely crowd out your crops and kill them.

Controlling perennials in their early stages means killing them before they form rhizomes or stolons.

Once they mature, they send out a dense network of these underground stems in all directions.

New weed plants sprout from these stems, causing the infestation to become somewhat permanent.

If the perennials on your soil have already formed the rhizomes, you must dig them out. This means eliminating the underground root network to prevent them from regrowing.


So, which grassy weed in our list of 21 weeds that look like grass could be distressing your lawn’s growth? We bet by now you can confidently put your finger on it. 

Keeping in mind that the presence of weeds in your turf could be a sign of an unhealthy lawn, proper lawn care should be your top priority before choosing a control mechanism to eradicate the unwanted grass permanently. 

With all possible factors considered—types of weed grasses that look like grass and ways to get rid of them- you should be able to have your lawn under control.