Affiliate Disclosure

1. Personalized Introduction

Welcome to – your trusty partner in navigating the world of lawn care! Our mission is to provide in-depth guides, recommendations for top-tier mowing products, and much more to simplify your lawn care journey. To keep our platform running and continue delivering quality content, we use affiliate links. This page is dedicated to explaining how these links work for us and for you.

2. What are affiliate links

Affiliate links are specialized URLs that track referrals to merchant websites. When a user clicks on these links and makes a purchase, we may earn a small commission. Importantly, these commissions come at no extra cost to you. They’re a way to support our operations, allowing us to continue delivering top-notch guides and resources for our readers.

3. Affiliate Programs and Their Relevance

When choosing our affiliate programs, we prioritize the quality of lawn products, many of which have been professionally vetted. Moreover, we sometimes purchase and test equipment in-house to ensure the best recommendations. We’ve partnered with reputable platforms like Amazon, Home Depot, Mowerdirect, Acehardware, and also with manufacturers offering affiliate programs, such as Cub Cadet, because of their wide array of quality products and reliable reputations.

4. Transparent Earnings Disclaimer earns from qualifying purchases made through the affiliate links on our site. However, it’s essential to know that this does not, in any way, affect the price you pay for the product. We receive a small commission as a referral, but your purchase price remains unchanged. It’s a win-win!

5. Commitment to Honest Reviews

Integrity is at the core of our operation. We firmly stand against accepting sponsorships and maintain a commitment to deliver unbiased reviews. Given that we earn a commission on any product you buy through our links, our primary aim is to be objective and guide you in making informed decisions. Our reputation hinges on trust, and we never compromise that trust for monetary gains.

6. Privacy Considerations

Your privacy is paramount. Clicking on our affiliate links will redirect you to a merchant’s website, but rest assured, no personal information is shared or compromised. For a comprehensive look at how we prioritize and protect your data, please refer to our Privacy Policy.

7. Invitation to Contact

Your feedback and queries matter. If you have any concerns or questions about our affiliate practices or any other aspect of our site, please feel free to reach out via our Contact Page. We’re always here to help and clarify!

8. Clear Disclosure Location

For transparency’s sake, our affiliate disclosure is prominently placed in the site footer, ensuring its visibility on every page you visit within We believe in keeping our readers informed at every step.

9. Consistent Tone and Language

Our goal is to simplify even the most complex topics related to lawn care. In line with our website’s friendly tone, this disclosure is written in clear and straightforward language, ensuring you understand our practices without getting lost in legal jargon.

10. Adherence to Program and FTC Requirements

Beyond our personal commitment to transparency, we adhere strictly to the requirements set by all our affiliate programs and the Federal Trade Commission (FTC). This ensures that our practices are not just honest, but also compliant with industry standards and regulations.

Thank you for trusting Your continued support fuels our passion to bring you the best in lawn care guidance and products!